Friend of the site Bill A, has put together a very nice M4 composite hull Sherman, based on the Tank his father operated in WWII. Bill Dad served with the 44th Tank Battalion in the Philipines when we took them back late in WWII. This kit is Dragon #6441, and I think Dragon makes a very nice Sherman for the price.

Really nice build Bill! My only comment other than you did a great job with the kit, would be, its just to darn clean! In real life, they tended to get real weathered, your looks like it rolled off the showroom floor!
Here are a few more shots of the M4 Composite in action.
Tanks and tankers of the 44th talking to liberated POW’s in the Philippines 1944 Men and Shermans of the 44th Men and Shermans of the 44th Men and Shermans of the 44th