Special Gallery 2: Shermans at Fort Benning, the ones waiting to go the new National Armor & Cavalry Museum.
These images all came from the Fort Benning Photos Website, and these images were all taken by John D. Helms or Kristian Ogden, and you can find much larger version on the Benning site. These Sherman tanks, and other historic vehicles will be displayed in the new Museum once it’s done.

My father was a Sherman Tank Commander in WWII and landed on the beaches of Normandy soon after D-day. I would like to be able to sit inside a Sherman tank sometime to see what it would have been like for him during the war. Can this be done at the Armory/Calvary Museum or is it look/see only? Thanks for any information anyone has as to where I might be able to go to sit in a Sherman Tank.
Really enjoyed visiting this site, especially the well documented section on the different engine variants. Are there any books available to read that concentrate specifically on US tank production and design during and post WWII. As an ameture student of history, it just amazes me why it took so long for the DOD to upgun the Sherman’s low-velocity 75mm gun, during the war, even many years later the Israelis figured out to install a 105mm cannon. The ballistic specs for the Brit 17pdr. ( FireFly) were very close this to the German 88mm. Thanks for any help you can give in this area.