#45 Gallery IV: You Guessed It, More High Res Photos!
Gallery IV: More photos, high resolution, with comments
More images, with captions, most high res, some sherman chassis based things as well.
Avery early M4A1 Sherman, note the pair of M1919s mounted in the middle front of the hull, these were removed fairly quickly from production tanks. It seems to be hanging off a rather high drop off, and this gives us a great view of its belly. ABritish M4A4 in Athens, during the Battle of Athens, in December of 1944, the tank is supporting the Scottish Parachute Battalion. It’s a later production tank with an M34A1 gun mount. M4A3 76w Sherman with the 12th AD, in Husseren France. The tank is heavily loaded, and even the M2 is stored and covered. With all the mud around, you would think extended end connectors would be installed. An M10 TD somewhere at the beginning of Operation Cobra, the TD is somewhere in Normandy. Note the branches for camo. Look at the communication wire running across the street. French 2nd Armored Division M10 near Halloville France November 13th 1944. This looks like a mid production M10. That is some thick mud!M4A3 75w named Classy Peg passing a destroyed Japanese tank in Luzon, Philippines, January 17 1945. These tanks were a terrible threat to the Japanese. Clod hopper, an M4A3 or M4A2, on Iwo jima with the Marines, it was from C Company, 4th Marine Tank Battalion, and was taken out by a Japanese 47mm gun. I wonder if the road wheels ended up on another tank. A pair of composite hull M4 composite hulls burning. These tanks are US Army Shermans, and they are in the Guam, and I think they were taken out by a 47mm AT gun. The gun was probably behind were the picture was taken from. (Thanks to Russ Amott for help with the caption)An M4A1 76w passes through some kind of wall made of tree trunks. This tank has a split loaders hatch. Note the tree branch camo and how the gun is in the travel lock. A Sherman V of the Canadian 29th Reconnaissance regiment(The South Alberta Regiment). The Tank was commanded by Major David Currie(VC), and the tank was named ‘Clanky’. This photo was taken in Normandy around Arromanches in July of 1944. A big Thank you to R.Wagner for the caption info.M4 105 serving with the French, tank names La Moskowa, the crew is hamming it up with a girl! Riflemen of the 29th Marine Regiment ride a M4A3 Sherman 105mm of Company A, 6th Tank Battalion during the 6th Marine Division’s drive on Chuda along the west coast of Okinawa. It looks like the west coast of California!An M4A3 76w being given a ride across the Rhine River in a LCM, this seems like a precarious way to get a tank across, but maybe it wasn’t all the way loaded. This one is a Marine M4A2 on Betio, Tarawa Atoll, and was named “Commando”(thanks to Russ Amott for the information on the photo caption) , for more information on this battle, see the new book Tanks in Hell by Gilbert and Cansiere.USMC PVC N.E. Carling in front of an M4A2 tank named Killer. It has a Type 94 TE KE tank on its back deck. Photo taken Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, 2 Feb 1944. Killer seems to have wooden planks added to the sides. Later production small hatch M4 Sherman, probably somewhere in the MTO or ETO. This one seems to be captured and in use by the Nazis. This is an M4A3 76w tank, with the 784th Tank Battalion (colored) near the Rhine in early 45. M4A3 76w Shermans from the 771st Tank Battalion supporting the 17th Airborne Division. These tanks are sandbagged up, but not as extensively as some other units would go. An M4A3 76w from an unknown unit passes by the corpses of Nazi troops. You can soo a wooden AT stick box and one of the deceased Germans seems to by laying on one. AM4 being recovered by a pair of M31 Armored Recovery Vehicles near Saint Fromond France 1944. They are dragging it, since it looks like it has a lot of suspension damage. An M4A3 76w HVSS from the 749th Tank battalion has collapsed a wooden Bridge, in Glossbliederstroff on the Saar, Germany
5 thoughts on “#45 Gallery IV: You Guessed It, More High Res Photos!”
RE: A British M4A4 in Athens. Questions. (1) Standing German or perhaps Finish uniformed rifleman to the left? (2) Two of the kneeling troopers look very much like Royal Navy Commandos. (3) The third trooper by the light post appears to be wearing either a Russian or French helmet – resolution of photo is not quite good enough for to be sure… Just curious about the details appearing to contradict each other in this picture.
I found your site while when watching the ‘Chieftain’s Q&A Series’ by amateur historian Nicholas Moran.
Colour photo captioned ” a British crew pal around …….” is actually a Sherman V of the Canadian 29th Reconnaissance Regiment (The South Alberta Regiment). The tank was commanded by Major David Currie (VC) and was nicknamed “Clanky”. Photo taken in Normandy around Arromanches in July 1944.
RE: A British M4A4 in Athens. Questions. (1) Standing German or perhaps Finish uniformed rifleman to the left? (2) Two of the kneeling troopers look very much like Royal Navy Commandos. (3) The third trooper by the light post appears to be wearing either a Russian or French helmet – resolution of photo is not quite good enough for to be sure… Just curious about the details appearing to contradict each other in this picture.
I found your site while when watching the ‘Chieftain’s Q&A Series’ by amateur historian Nicholas Moran.
about the sherman :Later production small hatch M4 Sherman, probably somewhere in the MTO or ETO.
Those tankers are not wearing allied clothing.
They sure look like Germans in a captured Sherman
Photo #8 is from Guam.
Photo 14 is Betio, Tarawa. 2nd Marines M4A2 “Commando”.
Colour photo captioned ” a British crew pal around …….” is actually a Sherman V of the Canadian 29th Reconnaissance Regiment (The South Alberta Regiment). The tank was commanded by Major David Currie (VC) and was nicknamed “Clanky”. Photo taken in Normandy around Arromanches in July 1944.
Thanks, I fixed the caption. I really appreciate the help.