The Sherman Tank Variant Page: Each Sherman Model will have its own page:
This page will be an easy to find place for specific info on Sherman submodels. Each page will contain a data sheet for the tank and its gun. It will also be packed with model specific technical drawings and photos, if the tank had a 76 armed model it will have a subpage.
The Lee and Grant M3 Medium Tanks
The Sherman M4 Medium Tank
The Sherman M4A1 Medium Tank
The M4A1 76W
The Sherman M4A2 Medium Tank
The M4A2 76W
The Sherman M4A3 Medium Tank
The M4A3 76W
The Sherman M4A4 Medium Tank
The M10 GMC
The M36 GMC
The M4A5 Grizzly: Coming Soon
The Firefly IC/IC composite: Coming Soon
The Firefly VC